When you juice fast, you give your digestive system a much needed rest, which allows it to then focus all of its energy on healing the body and ridding excess toxins.
A common myth about juicing is that you are starving your body from nutrients, which is absolute CRAP! In actual fact, your body is flooded with even more fresh easily accessible nutrients from the fresh juices then it would be ordinarily be used to from the common Western diet of dead food and most will feel more energy, clarity and more alive than ever!
The body is then able to truly start to heal naturally and release toxins such as: chemicals, pesticides, dead, dying or diseased cells, toxic wastes in the lymphatic system and bloodstream, toxic wastes in the spleen, liver and kidneys, parasites or tapeworms in the gut, excess mucus from the lungs and sinuses and excess cholesterol to name a few.
You will become alive and more in-tune with your body and the clarity you will feel is remarkable.
Many people often realise their true passion and purpose after an extended juice fast which is another tremendous reason for juicing!
A common myth about juicing is that you are starving your body from nutrients, which is absolute CRAP! In actual fact, your body is flooded with even more fresh easily accessible nutrients from the fresh juices then it would be ordinarily be used to from the common Western diet of dead food and most will feel more energy, clarity and more alive than ever!
The body is then able to truly start to heal naturally and release toxins such as: chemicals, pesticides, dead, dying or diseased cells, toxic wastes in the lymphatic system and bloodstream, toxic wastes in the spleen, liver and kidneys, parasites or tapeworms in the gut, excess mucus from the lungs and sinuses and excess cholesterol to name a few.
You will become alive and more in-tune with your body and the clarity you will feel is remarkable.
Many people often realise their true passion and purpose after an extended juice fast which is another tremendous reason for juicing!
Benefits of Fasting and Fruit!
When we give our bodies no break from processing food day after day, the digestive system becomes overworked. Environmental pollutants also contribute to this workload as well as excess protein that tends to acidify the body in an unhealthy way.
The body is then often unable to rid itself of these stored toxins, waste products, body acids, excess proteins and fat deposits and if built up long enough, this can lead to cancer and other innumerable...
Fasting is therefore necessary to give the digestive system a rest, and more importantly to cleanse the body!
These metabolic processes will take place whether you supply the body with food or not.
When you fast, the body will start releasing low-grade energy stored as fat, which will rapidly decrease body fat levels.
Since the blood always tries to keep its level of protein constant, it will keep these levels up by also breaking down inferior tissues of diseases, damaged, aged or dead cells, abnormal growth tissues, tumors, and other undesirable tissues.
This cleansing process also occurs in a milder form when certain fruits are eaten, however your body needs to be clean of parasites and excess waste and toxins FIRST before the fruit can really take its true healing effect.
As many claim that they cannot eat fresh fruit for it makes them sick, the fact is that fruit really is such an effective house cleaner because if you eat a good amount of fruit, it can pull the excess sodium out of the cells and dissipate the clustered proteins and poisons into the blood, you just need to be clean first.
It’s not actually the fruit that makes them sick, it’s the waste and parasites in their body as well as a dysfunctional digestive system that is making them sick when trying to process the fructose.
When you are full of toxic waste and bacterial overgrowth, fruit can feed this bad bacteria even more and if your digestive system is covered in waste and mucoid plaque which attracts worms and parasites, then fruit will only contribute to the problem and feeding these nasties even more!
The best way to clean our body of toxins is through fasting! And in particular green juice fasting for those with an overload of bad bacteria in the gut or other digestive, acidic/ autoimmune issues.
We need to get the body clean of toxins first through water fasting or juice fasting before it can heal.
Then when bacteria is in check and your digestive system is able to process fructose, then fruit is a powerful detoxifier!
So Juice and Be Clean and Healthy from the inside out!
The body will start releasing low-grade energy stored as fat, which will rapidly decrease body fat levels.
Since the blood always tries to keep its level of protein constant, it will keep these levels up by also breaking down inferior tissues of diseases, damaged, aged or dead cells, abnormal growth tissues, tumors, and other undesirable tissues.
This cleansing process also occurs in a milder form when certain fruits are eaten.
As many claim that they cannot eat fresh fruit for it makes them sick, the fact is that fruit is such an effective house cleaner because if you eat a good amount of fruit, it can pull the excess sodium out of the cells and dissipate the clustered proteins and poisons into the blood.
This causes discomfort at first and can make you feel sick however this process is actually the detoxing taking place in your body which is healing you.
So if you cannot bring yourself to fast, eat some fruit or my favorite detoxing fruit ‘an apple’ – as they say “an apple a day, keeps the doctor away!”
When we give our bodies no break from processing food day after day, the digestive system becomes overworked. Environmental pollutants also contribute to this workload as well as excess protein that tends to acidify the body in an unhealthy way.
The body is then often unable to rid itself of these stored toxins, waste products, body acids, excess proteins and fat deposits and if built up long enough, this can lead to cancer and other innumerable...
Fasting is therefore necessary to give the digestive system a rest, and more importantly to cleanse the body!
These metabolic processes will take place whether you supply the body with food or not.
When you fast, the body will start releasing low-grade energy stored as fat, which will rapidly decrease body fat levels.
Since the blood always tries to keep its level of protein constant, it will keep these levels up by also breaking down inferior tissues of diseases, damaged, aged or dead cells, abnormal growth tissues, tumors, and other undesirable tissues.
This cleansing process also occurs in a milder form when certain fruits are eaten, however your body needs to be clean of parasites and excess waste and toxins FIRST before the fruit can really take its true healing effect.
As many claim that they cannot eat fresh fruit for it makes them sick, the fact is that fruit really is such an effective house cleaner because if you eat a good amount of fruit, it can pull the excess sodium out of the cells and dissipate the clustered proteins and poisons into the blood, you just need to be clean first.
It’s not actually the fruit that makes them sick, it’s the waste and parasites in their body as well as a dysfunctional digestive system that is making them sick when trying to process the fructose.
When you are full of toxic waste and bacterial overgrowth, fruit can feed this bad bacteria even more and if your digestive system is covered in waste and mucoid plaque which attracts worms and parasites, then fruit will only contribute to the problem and feeding these nasties even more!
The best way to clean our body of toxins is through fasting! And in particular green juice fasting for those with an overload of bad bacteria in the gut or other digestive, acidic/ autoimmune issues.
We need to get the body clean of toxins first through water fasting or juice fasting before it can heal.
Then when bacteria is in check and your digestive system is able to process fructose, then fruit is a powerful detoxifier!
So Juice and Be Clean and Healthy from the inside out!
The body will start releasing low-grade energy stored as fat, which will rapidly decrease body fat levels.
Since the blood always tries to keep its level of protein constant, it will keep these levels up by also breaking down inferior tissues of diseases, damaged, aged or dead cells, abnormal growth tissues, tumors, and other undesirable tissues.
This cleansing process also occurs in a milder form when certain fruits are eaten.
As many claim that they cannot eat fresh fruit for it makes them sick, the fact is that fruit is such an effective house cleaner because if you eat a good amount of fruit, it can pull the excess sodium out of the cells and dissipate the clustered proteins and poisons into the blood.
This causes discomfort at first and can make you feel sick however this process is actually the detoxing taking place in your body which is healing you.
So if you cannot bring yourself to fast, eat some fruit or my favorite detoxing fruit ‘an apple’ – as they say “an apple a day, keeps the doctor away!”