You may have realised that since starting yoga you make different decisions around what you eat, how you spend your free time, the people you choose to have in your life and a multitude of other things.
One of the most common ways to practice self care is to look after the way we nourish ourselves through food. At Zenko, we always try to inspire our members to be conscious around food choices. Our food is our fuel, so it makes sense to be putting the best type of fuel into our bodies.
There are a number of wonderful foods that not only support our wellbeing, but are also commonly referred to as 'beautifying foods' for their positive benefits on our skin, hair, eyes or nails. A couple of examples of these foods are- coconut, avocado, carrots, hemp seeds, green leafy vegetables, sweet potatoes, walnuts, almonds and even dark chocolate!
There are also certain foods that can have the opposite effect and are best to avoid in order to glow and shine naturally- some of these include alcohol, processed foods, refined sugar, refined carbohydrates, fried foods and processed meat.
Natural is best when it comes to eating for beauty! Another thing that is often overlooked is good old H20! Water is necessary for every organ in the body to function, including the skin. Proper hydration can help to maintain the skins natural elasticity and suppleness, leaving your skin looking look fresh and more vibrant as a result. A a good rule of thumb is around 11 cups for women, and about 16 cups for men. So drink up! This is one of the easiest ways to improve your wellbeing- inside and out!
Once you begin to change your diet and focus on whole foods, unprocessed foods, foods that are designed to naturally help the body to thrive, you may begin to think about other products you are using on your body.
While having a good diet is incredibly important, many people don't realise that our skin in actually the body's largest organ and what we put ON our body (not just IN our body) counts.
You may have an excellent diet, but opt to use chemicals on your skin or in your home. Did you know that the average woman uses .... chemicals on her skin EVERY day?! Thats a pretty scary statistic!
The good news is, its becoming easier than ever before to opt for natural products. There are many natural and organic makeup brands and body care products on the market that utilise natures best ingredients to help you glow and shine without the nasties.
While you may be used to using a certain product or brand, you may change your mind if you do a little research into what is inside those products, or what those brands stand for. As yogis, its not only important to take care of our own body, but to also support businesses and practices that contribute to a better, safer, more ethical world- some good food for thought when you make your next purchase!
Again, many natural companies ditch the chemicals and preservatives in favour of natural products that you will be familiar with- coconut, aloe vera, avocado, cacao butter and almond oil. Check the ingredients on some of your body products- are they full of ingredients you can eat or words you can't pronounce?!
If you want to start to make the switch towards more natural foods or products for your health and wellbeing, start step by step. Look at a few things you can introduce into your diet, and something you may want to let go of. Same when it comes to your beauty products, when something finishes, see if you can find a more natural alternative and give it a try.
If you would like to learn more about beautifying foods and natural beauty products, come along to our very first Beauty Inside & Out Workshop, coming up on Saturday 17th October at the Noosa Studio. Adam from Nutrametics will be joining us for mini makeovers, Kelly from Raw by Nature will be offering a food workshop, and Lauren will be sharing her own beauty routines and yogi practices to help you look and feel your best.
Tickets are limited! The workshop includes healthy snacks and mini makeovers. Special products will also be available for sale.
Book your place and come and have some fun whilst empowering yourself with education here.